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1st WEAKER LINK Activity of 2018

1st WEAKER LINK Activity of 2018

–Sent From Phone–

Of the four activities (BODY, MIND, SPIRIT, SOUL), which do you feel has fewer strengths compared to the others? Once decided on your chosen weaker link at this stage of your life, follow the associated activity.

BODY: Test your maximum amount of push-ups in 3min. Take breaks in between sets or just rest for a few breaths. If needed, try elevated off a counter or wall (at a resistance/height you can accomplish at least 8 per set). You can even do one-arm push-ups elevated this way and alternate arms for more of a challenge. Don’t feel you need to stay in the same position each one either. You can start of slow and work your way to more resistance, or even start with more resistance and elevate to be able to push through for more reps.

MIND: Using a shuffled deck of cards, turn over the top card and memorize it. Replace it on the deck face down and call it out before turning it over. If correct, turn the next card over on top of the face up card and memorize it as well. Replace both cards face down and call them each out before turning them over. If correct, try repeating this with a 3rd card, 4th card, 5th card, etc. Once unsuccessful, try again with the same cards in their sequence. Take note of your maximum to try beating this record next time.

SPIRIT: Think of a successful person that you feel you best relate to or most admire, and research his/her path to success. Write down three concepts from him/her you enjoyed learning.

SOUL: Search for short articles of a faith/religion that you don’t follow, but are curious about in a positive manner. Research the main takeaway teachings from the faith/religion.

That’s all for today’s activity, should all be about 3-5min max. And again, always consult with your doctor for your safety before trying any of my experiments/activities, especially those with the body.

Until next time, keep LivingLife, and take care of yourself and those you love!
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“Remember, I’m NOT a qualified doctor, trainer, physiologist, philosopher, or have any other certified qualification. I’m only someone who’s passionate to learn & develop personal skills, habits, goals & finding a balance life-style, while sharing my journey through experiences.
– Developer of LivingLife-Blog”
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