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“Written Anything Recently?”

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“Written Anything Recently?”

“Is that a blog you write? Written anything recently?” was a question my step-father asked me late in the day while I was closing down my computer windows after seeing my blog logo on my laptop background.  I did a silent sigh (maybe was audible), as I informed him no and that I have only written every couple weeks or months. Writing more consistently is a goal in my life, but FORTUNATELY time has been difficult to find to write BECAUSE I’ve been living life! 🙂 🙂

With just over a month of my wife and my new life together, we’ve been enjoying each other’s company and spending time with friends and family. In addition to socializing, we’ve been helping friends and family during the weekends, and going out together. Although we’re by no means “living it up” being wild & crazy (we’re often asleep before 8pm), we have been enjoying this time together still adjusting to living a similar schedule that allows us to see each other often.

Working nights became so normal to me, and although it was killing me (doctor’s reporting my many increasing health issues working nights, the excessive hours, & little sleep), nights was all that I thought could provide me a stable life. Oh how I was wrong! Yes, WRONG! Nights allowed me to provide for myself financially, but the amount of depression impaired my health & energy to stay focused w/ goals, as well as led me to often “splurge” on expensive weekends (even if staying home). Working days & living life during the later day hours has opened up a world I’ve never been use to.

Most of the world doesn’t work nights, and many may have no experience working nights, but there are those who enjoy working nights. I WAS one of those people for many years, especially with my insomnia it made sense to work nights. However, working nights because I was awake, became forcing myself to sleep and forcing myself awake to a perpetual roller-coaster of energy swings. A self-fulfilling prophesy, “I work nights because I can’t sleep – I can’t sleep because I work nights”. I had to stay awake, and I had to go to sleep, but I was rarely allowed to sleep for more than 3-4hrs, and often less than 10hrs a week. AND NO, I WASN’T USING ILLEGAL DRUGS TO STAY AWAKE, but I did use Zzz-Quil or Benadryl to aid me to sleep, and then lots of coffee (6-14 cups was normal) to aid staying awake.  Healthy life style working nights, right?!?  🙁  All for a few extra dollars…

Now going into my 4th months working days, my sleep schedule and sleep ability has greatly improved. Only on rare occasions have I needed to take any sleep aid, and have cut my coffee intake to 0-3 cups a day in the mornings. Being able to sleep next to my beautiful wife who’s my best friend is one of the best sleep aids I could have. And working a day shift that allows time to still enjoy a few hours at night to unwind, read,/write, and socialize, is the best aid for staying awake. Life is better for me and my family being off the night shift. My family begged me for years (a decade) to get off the night shift.

But like my step-father who motivated me to write a blog post again, he’s also the one who got me away from working nights by asking I help him grow his business. And for those of you who know me, or know of me though reading my blogs, you know that I’m a strongly motivated worker who even through a horrible schedule that was killing me, still remains loyal & motivated to my career responsibilities. With having a day position that allows me to still live outside of work, and work in an industry I find interesting, as well as be with family that I love; right now, life is better than ever for myself in my life with my wife, and I’m recharged to be a better me and work to grow this business to new heights. Life is about family, blood or not, family is worth fighting to be better for, and family is needed to be strong. Weak rooted trees easily fall over, and trees without growth or support will wither or die.

As I’ve said before, family isn’t just blood, but family are those who make you a better person, family can be anyone that you’re in it for the long journey ahead, family is about being better, stronger, supportive.


Until next time, keep LivingLife, and take care of yourself and those you love!

Have comments/questions? Please feel free to email me at

“Remember, I’m NOT a qualified doctor, trainer, physiologist, philosopher, or have any other certified qualification. I’m only someone who’s passionate to learn & develop personal skills, habits, goals & finding a balance life-style, while sharing my journey through experiences.

– Developer of LivingLife-Blog”

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